Yargnits Way of Seeing Stuff

Here's my life and stuff I do. Yeah, what's worse, my boring life or you reading about it?

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm Talking 'bout Yummy White Chocolate

What’s been pissing me off lately: The term African-American. I guess it’s more politically correct than saying “Did you hear Shelly was dating a black guy?” when referring to a dude, or “I gave my last twenty dollars to a Nappy Headed Ho on Michigan Street” (ala Don Imus).

It didn’t bother me much until a black friend told me how he hates getting called an African-American. Coming from Jamaica, he is neither African nor American. I haven’t spoken to him for a while because his wife (white) is a pretentious bitch, so I have no idea if he’s as insulted as he once was now that we have our token president.

That’s right, I said token president. If he wasn’t black he wouldn’t have won. Racism made Barack Hussein Obama president. The novelty of the first black president and the large amount of white self loathing got this guy elected. I now ask those that voted for him... How is the Hope and Change working out for you fuck-tards? In all honesty, McCain would have been a fucking disaster too, but at least he isn't a terrorist. Yeah, I think that deep down Barry’s still a Muslim extremist and since he’s the leader of our military he should shoot himself.

Getting back on point... At least the socialist in the oval office is indeed African-American, however, he’s my least favorite African-American. My favorite African-American is Charlize Theron. Yeah… She’s more African-American than most of the “black” people I know. Her great-great-great-great-great grandmother didn’t pick cotton. She was born and grew up new Johannesburg, South Africa. I wonder if black guys will stop wanting her when they find out.

Until next month's ramblings,
Yargnits OUT!
